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The Presidential Commission for
National Cohesion Project

In 2013, the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research established the Research Council for Policy on National Cohesion*, in collaboration with the Presidential committees and other research institutes from both private and public. It aims to collect diverse opinions from different fields, develop necessary agenda for social cohesion, and propose appropriate policies. Since May 2014, ISDPR has initiated the Support Center for National Cohesion in joint partnership with the Institute for Public Affairs (IPA) from Yonsei University. The center intends to monitor social conflicts, contrive social agenda, generate issue-driven reports, elevate public awareness on the national cohesion, and consolidate public consensus.
* The Research Institutes in the Research Council for Policy on National Cohesion are consisted of ISDPR, IPA, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS), Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA), Korea Institute for Public Affairs (KIPA), and Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI).
The Project Specifications on the Support Center for National Cohesion

The members of the Project have published four different Issue Reports with the propositions on social cohesion from multifarious public opinion leaders; 5 Issue Monitorings with systematic analysis on various types of social conflicts and relevant researches in global academia. Together, they also have carried out various forums and debates to establish public solidarity on the agenda.
Achievement #1 – Issue Report Publications
- Volume 1: The Assessment of National Cohesion and Future Tasks
- Volume 2: Social Trust – Government, Enterprise and Civil Society
- Volume 3: Risk Society and National Safety
- Volume 4: Social Integration and Consensus
Achievement #2 – Issue Monitoring Publications
- Volume 1: Public Values and Integration of Korean Society
- Volume 2: Major Social Issues of 2014
- Volume 3: Happiness and Life Quality in Korea
- Volume 4: The Socio-Economic Inequality: Income Distribution
- Volume 5: The Socio-Economic Inequality: Equity Index
Achievement #3 – The Forum for the Presidential Commission for National Cohesion
1st Half in 2014
- Title: Social Trust – Government, Enterprise and Civil Society
- Time: June 30th, 2014
- Venue: Yonsei University
2nd Half in 2014
- Title: Social Integration and Consensus
- Time: December 3rd, 2014
- Venue: Seoul National University